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Nejde mujvodafone

Návštěvník Ilyas Sharibzhanov

Doporučené příspěvky

Návštěvník Ilyas Sharibzhanov

Jsem klientem UPC a nemuzu se prihlasit do mujvodafone ani se staryma heslem a emailem ani s novym heslem take. Kdyz jsem zmenil zapomenuto heslo na my.upc.cz tak to slo ale misto prihlaseni mam jen "Omlouváme se, ale došlo k chybě."


Jsem klientem od roku 2019 a nemam zadnou novou smlouvu.


Jeste je neco ale trosku offtop - mam telefonni cislo vodafone od 2009 a muzu se prihlasit s tym cislem. ALE pise tam ze zadny internet nemam.


Platil jsem vzdy penize ale pouzival jsem stary ucet UPC jako standing order v bance, vzdy bylo to uhrazeno a zadny problem doted nemel jsem. Ten mesic jsem to zmenil podle udaju z vyuctovani vodafone a doufam ze nic se ne zmene, ale je to take offtop. Na jakykoli zmenu potreboval bych mit pristup do mujvodafone podle emailu nebo cislu splatce, ale to vubec nefunguje - rika ze mam falesni nebo neexistujici heslo nebo cislo nebo email.


Ja zkousil vam zavolat vcera vecer ale neslo to me vubec ale i doted nikdo do me od vodafone nezavolal. Mame take pokusy pouzit a prihlasit se pres ruzne browsery a pres mobilni app. NIC NEJDE.


Jak to vyresit?


Dolu pisu v anglictine:


Hi, I am a UPC client since 2019 and I used to have access to the my.upc.cz personal room but since it is no longer available I tried to register in the exUPC. I reset my password and tried to log in but I get an error message (attached). When I try to reset my password in mujvodafone I do not receive an email message - which means that my email is not even registered with Vodafone, even though I've been paying invoices on time ever since late 2019!


I noticed  that the numbers on my invoices have changed, so I changed the standing order I am paying with in my banking - I did it only now so the payment will be received on the new bank account as written in the invoice HOWEVER all my invoices were paid for successfully this far ... Which is not the issue at hand at any rate.


The issue is: 1) I cannot log in into my exUPC because I get an error message 2)  I cannot login to mujvodafone room because it thinks that my account doesn't exist at all!


To prove that I am a customer, I am attaching two invoices: UPC and Vodafone.


As a side note:

I do have a phone number with a prepaid card from Vodafone I've been using since 2009. I AM able to log in using that but it only covers my pre-paid card. There are no Internet settings or anything related to services. Which makes me unable to change my tariff or do anything else at all!


I tried calling the phone (I speak Czech!) but I got no answer. I tried waiting 24 hours and I got a promise from the answering machine I will be contacted by the representative.


So far, vodafone seems to think that I don't exist but it is still providing me with the Internet service as well as asking for regular payments. Surprisingly, all this is working smoothly so far, but I need some clarity on why I cannot access mujvodafone? It doesn't take the Variable nor Specific symbols. It doesn't take the contract number from UPC either. Trying to use the one on exUPC gets me the error (attached image). I double checked and exUPC tells me I should be ready to use mujvodafone. BUT trying to reset my password using email\contract\payer number renderds no result.


How can I fix this?




Zkousil jsem overeni udaju - pouzil jsem variabilni symbol a neslo to. Vidim ze to kvuli "falesnemu" symbolu a nikoliv kvuli spatnemu kodu proti spamu.

Jeste zkousil jsem cislo splatce. To cislo dobre vim, protoze je na novych fakturach. To take nefunguje. Jak to je???


I tried "verifying" my Ex-UPC "variabilni symbol" and I got an error saying that it is impossible to verify it. I can see it has to do with the symbol and not at all with the anti-spam code.

Also, I tried the payer number. I know that number well because I can see it on the new invoices. It doesn't work either. How is that???


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Návštěvník Ilyas Sharibzhanov


Zkousil jsem to take, ale bohuzel nic 😐


EDIT: prominte, ja to jiz zkousil jsem take: oba variabilnich symboly, novy (s 8 na konci) i stary (s 1 na konci) = nic nejde



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Návštěvník Ilyas Sharibzhanov

Diky pane kautskym.


Ja uz to porozumel z odpovedi jejich vodafonova botu HAHA:



No, nikdy nic, zadnou sms mi neodesilal a zitra pridu do pobocky to vyresit osobne.


Kontaktni cislo ktere "jiz neuzivam" u UPC bylo to cislo siti vodafone od r. 2009 ktere - ja myslim - neni mozno bylo pouzit protoze uz existovalo u vodafonu dlouhy cas. Ale jen spekuluju jsem.


Ach jo, nevadi!



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